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[Note] KMP Algorithms

KMP algorithms learning note.


In a string str, find substrings that match the string pattern and return the indices of all substrings.

Brute Force

In the most direct idea, we will start from each letter of str and compare backward. When each subsequent letter is the same as the letter in pattern, we will record it. If we encounter a different letter, the pointer of str will point to the next letter, and then it will be compared with the letter in pattern. As a result, the time complexity of this algorithm will be O(m * n). When the length of the strings str and pattern increases, the search time will increase and the algorithm will become inefficient.

vector<int> helper (string &str, string &pattern) {
    vector<int> result;
    int m = str.length(), n = pattern.length();
    for (int i = 0; i < m - n; ++i) {
        for (int j = 0; j < n; ++j) {
            if (str[i + j] != pattern[j])
            if (j == n - 1)
    return result;

KMP Algorithms

Is there anything we can improve on the original brute-force solution? When we find that the next letter is different from str, we should think about whether there is something that can be used in the string that has been compared before. In 1977, James H. Morris, Donald Knuth, and Vaughan Pratt published the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, referred to as the KMP algorithm.

Core Idea

In the KMP algorithm, the main concept is to create an LPS (Longest Proper Prefix which also a Suffix) table for the pattern string. When we find different letters during comparison, we can immediately find the next comparison position from Just continue comparing anywhere in pattern without starting the comparison again.

In the example below, we can see that when the sixth (0-index) letter a is compared, pattern is found to be f and needs to be corrected for the compared index.


In the brute-force solution, we will change the starting index of str to 1 (b) and start the comparison from the first letter of pattern, but in fact we can find that the index of str does not need to be moved only You need to change the index of pattern to the third one and continue the comparison.


In order to quickly find the position where the index needs to be adjusted when we encounter different letters, we need to create an LPS array and find all subpattern of pattern. Let’s take abvab as an example. Its proper prefix includes a, ab, abv and abva, and its proper suffix includes b, ab, vab and bvab. We It can be seen that his maximum shared string is ab, so its LPS length is 2.

LPS Table

We’re finding the LPS table for pattern, also called the next table by some, whose first lps[0] is 0. Then we can start creating the LPS table for pattern.

How to create LPS table for pattern? We can compare pattern to ourselves and record it. We will use ababcababcabc as an example to demonstrate the LPS table. In the following demonstration, we need to first set lps[0] to 0 and start comparing with itself. We can find that when the index is 2 (0-index), the same suffix and suffix can appear. When comparing When we get to c, something is different. At this time, we need to find the LPS value in the ab that has been compared. We can find that the LPS value of the string pattern[1] is 0, so we will Set the comparison index to 0 and continue the comparison.


After comparison, it is found that pattern[4] is different from pattern[0], so the comparison continues.


At this point we encounter something different again, so we compare the value in lps[6] and find it to be 2, so we just need to set the comparison index to 2 and continue the comparison.


After comparing the entire pattern in this way, the lps table can be obtained as 0012012345670.


Therefore we can summarize the above steps to create an LPS table:

  • lps[0] is 0
  • Compare pattern to itself
    • Increase the lps value when the same.
    • When they are different, check the already created lps table, update the compared index, and continue the comparison.

In the following code, idx records the lps of which pattern was created, and len is the index for comparison.

Time Conplexity: O(n)

void getNext(vector<int> &next, string pattern) {
    int idx = 0, len = 0;
    next[idx++] = 0;
    while (idx < pattern.length()) {
        if (pattern[idx] == pattern[len]) {
            next[idx++] = ++len;
        } else if (len == 0) {
            next[idx++] = 0;
            len = 0;
        } else {
            len = next[len - 1];

Complete Algorithm

After understanding and completing the lps table (next table), you can start using the lps table comparison. When it is found to be different from str, query the lps value and update its idx and continue the comparison. The time complexity of comparison with str is O(m).

Total Time Complexity: O(m + n)

void getNext(vector<int> &next, string pattern) {
    int idx = 0, len = 0;
    next[idx++] = 0;
    while (idx < pattern.length()) {
        if (pattern[idx] == pattern[len]) {
            next[idx++] = ++len;
        } else if (len == 0) {
            next[idx++] = 0;
            len = 0;
        } else {
            len = next[len - 1];

vector<int> myKMP(string &str, string &pattern) {
    int n = pattern.length();
    vector<int> next(n, -1);
    getNext(next, pattern);

    vector<int> res;
    int sI = 0, pI = 0;
    while (sI < str.length()) {
        if (pI == pattern.length()) {
            res.push_back(sI - n);
            pI = next[pI - 1];
        } else if (str[sI] == pattern[pI]) {
        } else if (pI == 0) {
        } else {
            pI = next[pI - 1];
    if (pI == pattern.length())
        res.push_back(sI - n);
    return res;


If you have any questions, please feel free to leave some comments or contact me by Email. Thank you.

Last updated on Jan 07, 2025
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