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Apply For the EURECOM Internship

This page is for the student apply the internship for EURECOM.

Schedule for Applying for the EURECOM Internship

  • Ask the teacher to negotiate the internship at EURECOM

    Prepare the English CV to the teacher for teacher negotiating the internship with the professor who at EURECOM

  • HR send the file named “2B-STAGIAIRE_Formulaire accueil” for filling the basic information

    After confirming the internship, you will receive the EURECOM HR email. The file will need to be filled up with your basic information. At the same time, you must buy the airplane ticket, book the room where you will stay in France, and buy the insurance.

    For tickets, I recommend buying a round-trip ticket as it will be cheaper. I bought a ticket for the emirates about a 20-hour flight. You can choose a few days before and after the date to find the cheapest air ticket.

    For the room in France, there are two ways to book in usual. One is booking on Airbnb, which can reduce some administrative processes such as home insurance, guarantee, etc. Another is booking the room on the website from EURECOM named Studapart. The second need to pay some fee for the platform and deal with the guarantee problem. When you communicate with the landlord, if you can use France, it will be more polite.

    Insurance will be used on the internship agreement and the application for the VISA. The period of insurance needs to cover the period of internships and include medical insurance and personal liability. I bought the insurance from Fubon named “一期築夢”. The insurance needs to obey the rule of the Schengen Area.

  • Receive the internship agreement and run the signature process

    After sending back the “2B” file, you will receive the internship agreement. You need to run the process for signature. It includes you, the Academic supervisor, and the legal representative of your University.

  • Receive the original internship agreement and invitation letter

    After sending back the internship agreement, HR will send the original internship agreement and invitation letter to you by UPS. At the same time, HR will send your internship agreement to Franch Authorities for validation.

  • Receive the validation of agreement internship from Franch Authorities

    When waiting for 2-4 weeks, you will receive the certificate of the validation from the HR.

  • Apply for the VISA

    You need to go to the website of the French Office in Taipei to apply for the VISA. If you have any questions, please through the following page to reach out the VISA depart. They only have email.

  • Apply for the go-aborad internship permission (military service)

    If you are male and have a military service problem, you need to apply for the go-aborad internship permission by the school.

  • VISA Validation

    After you arrived France, you need go the website to validation your VISA in first three months, or you will be invaild stay in France.

My Experience of Applying the Internship

My internship period is from 23/04/01 to 23/09/30.

  • 2/10 Receive the “2B” file
  • 2/10 Send back the “2B” file
  • 2/13 Receive the internship agreement
  • 2/14 Send back the internship agreement with signature
  • 2/15 Receive the scan version of the invitation letter
  • 2/15 Buy the airplane ticket
  • 2/15 Book the room on Airbnb
  • 2/16 Buy the insurance
  • 2/20 Receive the certificate of insurance
  • 2/20 Finish the process of the internship agreement and send it to validation
  • 2/21 Apply for the go-aborad internship permission
  • 3/06 Apply for the VISA and wait for the validation. Need to send the successful validation back to French Office in Taipei for getting the VISA
  • 3/07 Receive permission for the go-aborad internship from the government
  • 3/23 Receive avis favorable (certificate) from French Authorities, then send back to French Office in Taipei
  • 3/27 Receive the VISA approval mail from French Office in Taipei

The Thing You Can Prepare First

Before the apply internship.

  • English CV
  • Valid passport
  • Certificate of Study
  • The latest diploma

After confirming the internship date. These things may delay the process.

  • Airplane ticket
  • Book the room
  • Insurance


Please start to deal with these processes at least 2.5 months before the date you want to go for the internship. In my experience is very urgent. It will not be a good sample for you to follow my schedule. Everything may delay and will break your schedule.

At the end of this blog, I need to thank any people who give me a hand when I dealing with this process. The process will not be easy for the first time. After I get help from my friend, I need to share these experiences with anyone who wants to apply for the internship at EURECOM. Very welcome to contact me, if you meet some problems.

If you have any questions, please feel free to leave some comments or contact me by Email. Thank you.

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